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The Research Committee has arranged the Annual Symposium for 2015 to include a range of speakers on Surrey topics. Prof. Alan Crocker will also be demonstrating papermaking during the lunch break. Displays from groups will be on show and new exhibitors are welcome. As usual the displays will have the chance to be judged for the Margary Award. A full programme is listed here:


10.00 Chair:

10.05 Recent finds in Surrey: FLO: David Williams

10.35  Betchworth Castle: 2014 excavations report and suggested historic development: Martin Higgins

                                                 11.10 COFFEE/TEA

11.40Recent excavations in the village of Thorpe: SCAU: Phil Jones

12.10Papermaking in Surrey: SIHG: Alan Crocker


          12.45 LUNCH

14.00  Margary Award

14.10  Bishops and peasants: everyday life in 13th century Esher: David Stone

14.45  A Late Upper Palaeolithic site at Guildford Fire Station: discovery, excavation and the results so far : Oxford Archaeology: Gerry Thacker

           15.15 TEA/COFFEE

15.45 Recent Archaeology South-East excavations to the north of Horley: ASE: Dan Swift/Simon Stevens

16.15 Dismantling and displaying theReigateRoman Tile Kiln fire tunnel: Emma Corke and Peter Burgess


           17.00 CLOSE

A booking form is attached as a pdf.