An RSG visit which includes a lecture about the Celts and entry to the Celts exhibition at the British Museum has been arranged for Thursday 28 January 2016. The day will run as follows:
10.30am Arrive; coffee/tea and biscuits
11.00am Julia Farley, Exhibition Curator, will discuss how the exhibition was put together, the historical context of the Celts, who they were/are, how their art has developed and salient information about the “highlight objects” in the exhibition
12.00noon Lunch (price excluded)
13.00/13.10/13.20/13.30 Timed entry to the Celts exhibition
16.00pm Likely departure time from the BM
Cost: £27.50 per person (no concessions)
Numbers: A maximum of 20 people, with priority to RSG members
Please let Irene Goring know if you would like come. contact her at