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SLHC symposium will be concerning the theme of maps.

9.30 am   Registration

 9.55 am   Welcome Gerry Moss Chairman of Surrey Local History Committee

10.00 am  Jane Lewis (Surrey Heritage)   Maps for Local and Family Historians

10.40 am  Coffee or tea

11.10 am  Anne Sassin (Surrey Archaeological Society). The Surrey LiDAR Portal: Citizen Science on a County Scale

11.50 am  Justin Colson (Institute of Historical Research). Layers of London: Recording the layers of London’s rich heritage

12.30 pm  Lunch (coffee or tea available)

 2.00 pm   Martin Stilwell (Volunteer Researcher at Surrey History Centre). The World War Two Bomb Maps Project at Surrey History Centre

 2.40 pm   Mary Alexander (Surrey Archaeological Society). Mapping a county town: Guildford Depicted

  3.20 pm Discussion and Closing remarks

 3.30 pm   Close

Coffee or tea are included. Please make your own arrangements for lunch. It is recommended to bring a packed lunch as there are few cafes near Surrey History Centre.

Tickets are £15.00. Please book online by clicking on the Book tab above. Please note there is no facility to pay for this conference by cheque.

Confirmation will be sent by e-mail and your name added to the register of attendees.

It is advisable to book early as places are limited.  Tickets on the day will be £18.00 payable in cash only.

Non-member Price
Member Price
Student Price