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Due to the current Covid-19 situation we have decided to cancel this event on 21 March.  Hopefully it will be scheduled for a later date.

All those who have booked online should receive an email regarding their booking and the refund process.

Surrey Local History Committee

A Committee of Surrey Archaeological Society Registered Charity 272098


"You have the poor with you always"

Saturday 21 March 2020
at Surrey History Centre 130, Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6ND
9.55 am to 3.30 pm

To book online for this event please click on the 'Book' tab above.

Pre-booked tickets cost £15 otherwise they are available on the day at £18.

09.30 am Registration

09.55 am Welcome - Gerry Moss Chairman of Surrey Local History Committee

10.00 am  Catherine Ferguson (Research Associate, University of Cambridge)

Those that “pinch and suffer want”. The treatment of the poor in post-Restoration Surrey: a tapestry of local variation.

10.40 am Coffee or tea

11.10 am   Judy Hill (Freelance lecturer and researcher) 

Rethinking the Old Poor Law once seen as profligate, extravagant and grievously flawed in 1834. Fact or fiction?

11.50 am  Paul Carter (Principal Records Specialist, The National Archives) 

"... consequently a question thus arises whether I am, or not, to starve?" Lives and Letters of the Nineteenth Century Poor

12.30 pm .  Lunch (coffee or tea available)

1.55 pm Presentation of the Gravett Award

2.00 pm Viv Bennet (Charlotteville Jubilee Trust, The Spike, Guildford)

More Than Oliver Twist - the stories of inmates at Guildford Workhouse in 1881

2.40 pm Martin Stilwell (volunteer researcher at Surrey History Centre)

Quality housing for deserving workers. Building high quality council housing for the ex-servicemen and workers of Surrey after WW1

3.20 pm Discussion and closing remarks

3.30 pm Close

Coffee or tea are included.  Please make your own arrangements for lunch.  It is recommended to bring a packed lunch as there are no cafes near the Surrey History Centre.


Please book early as places are limited.  If you cannot book online (see above) then please download the attached flier to send in your booking.





Non-member Price
Member Price
Student Price