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The annual Surrey Historic Environment Research Conference will be held in Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall this year and will be followed at 16.00 by the Society AGM. A keynote speaker will be Julian Richards on Stonehenge and a programme based largely on prehistoric topics is now complete. A booking form is attached.

9.30        Registration

10.00     Chair – Jon Cotton (SyAS)

10.05     Alex Egginton (SCC)– Mapping the past, planning for the future: reviewing Surrey’s Areas of High Archaeological Potential

10.35     Tom Lawrence (Oxford Archaeology) – The Mesolithic Hinterland of Surrey

11.05     Tea/coffee

11.35     Julian Richards (Archaemedia) – Stonehenge – old rocks, new theories

12.20     Lunch

1.30        Chair

1.35        Mark Bowden (Historic England) – Recognising evidence for transhumance in early periods

2.05        Matt Pope (UCL) & Chris Taylor (SyAS)– Farnham Palaeo project: The significance of Wey terrace deposits in the British Palaeolithic; The Bury Collection or Farnham palaeoliths from the Wey terraces and its local context

2.35        Tom Dommett (National Trust) – Surrey, Archaeology and the National Trust

3.05        Tea/Coffee

3.30        David Bird (SyAS) – Championing the archaeology and history of Surrey-a research framework for the 21st century.

3.45        Close

4.00        AGM

A booking form is available below, and book the date in your diaries.

Non-member Price
Member Price
Student Price