
The Shuttleworth Collection, Old Warden Airfield in Bedfordshire

picture of a plane

 A Bleriot X1 from 1909 to a Piper Super Cub of 1961 are in the collection of over 50 airworthy historic land planes. Also on display is a collection of historic vehicles, motorcycles and tractors. Guided tours may be available for those who would like one.

Refreshment arrangements. There is a restaurant within the museum.

Travel arrangements. The coach will depart promptly at 09:15 from the furthest end of the rear car park of the Leatherhead Leisure Centre (beyond the buildings). Parking at the Leisure Centre is free of charge but please note that your car must display a parking permit which you can obtain from Geoff Roles on arrival. The number of permits available is limited so please share cars whenever possible. We aim to return to Leatherhead no later than 17:30.

Cost. The cost of the day, which includes entry to the museum, coach fares and the coach driver's gratuity, will be £23, reduced to £18 for those who are enrolled on the Leatherhead SIHG Thursday course. Coffee and lunch are not included.

Guests will be welcome subject to availability of seating on the coach.

Further details from Geoff Roles ( or Robert Bryson (