
Agenda for the Annual General Meeting


This meeting will be held on Zoom only - codes for this will be emailed and published a few days before the meeting.


  1. Apologies for absence.

  2. To receive and, if approved, sign as correct the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on November 21,2020.

  3. To receive, consider and, if approved, adopt the Annual Report, the Statement of Accounts and the Independent Examiner’s report for the year to March 31,2021.

  4. To elect the President for 2021-2022.

  5. To elect the Secretary, Treasurer and other Trustees for 2021 -22.

  6. To elect Vice-Presidents for 2021-2022.

  7. To elect Honorary Officers for 2021 -2022.

  8. To elect Members of Council to retire in 2025 under Article 23.1

  9. To elect Honorary Vice-Presidents for 2021-2022.

10. To reappoint RSM UK Tax and Accounting Ltd as the Independent Examiner for 2021-2022 and authorise the Trustees to determine their remuneration.

11. Any other business.

The Society’s Articles (13.9) require 14 Members present in person for an Annual General Meeting to be quorate. Despite the expected removal of Government Covid-19 restrictions, there may be many Society members who would not want to attend an in-person Annual General Meeting in November. A hybrid meeting with some Members present and some on-line is difficult to arrange and, after taking legal advice and relying on current Charity Commission guidance for the on-going Covid-19 situation, the trustees have decided to hold the 2021 AGM by video conference.

Nominations for elections should be sent to the Honorary Secretary not less than seven days before the meeting and must be accompanied by a signed statement by the nominee of a willingness to stand for election.

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