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The Conference

The Autumn conference, supported by SCC Heritage Conservation Team, continues the Research Framework process. This began with the 2001 Conference Archaeology in Surrey in the 21st century and the subsequent publication of Aspects of Archaeology and History in Surrey in 2004. The Surrey Research Framework itself was launched in 2006, and since then groups of the Society and others have used it as a basis for the development of further research. It has always been intended that the Framework should not be ‘set in stone’ but should continue to evolve and this conference will examine ways in which that is happening and invite further involvement in the process. 


The overall theme of this conference will be Religion in Society and The Landscape with presentations on aspects of the earlier periods before focusing this year on the Mediaeval and the Research Framework aims for that period

Tickets : £8.00 in advance or £10 on the day

Refreshments  :  Morning coffee and afternoon tea will be available in the hall.  Please make your own arrangements for lunch.

0930      Registration

1000      Opening remarks  -  Barney Sloane : Conference Chairman and Head of Historic Environment Commissions, English Heritage

1005      Liquid Assets? Watery Deposition in Surrey and Beyond - Jon Cotton : Senior Curator, Prehistory, Museum of London

1035      Roman Period Religion in Society and Landscape in Surrey - David Bird : Chairman , Roman Studies Group

1105      Coffee break

1130      Monastic Houses in the South East (keynote talk) - Judith Roebuck : Ancient Monuments Inspector, English Heritage

             Panel discussion

1230      Lunch

1330      Introduction to the afternoon session  -  Barney Sloane

1335      The Granges and smaller properties of Waverley Abbey - Mark Service, Birkbeck MA Archaeology Graduate

1405      Recent work at Newark Priory - Judie English and Jeannette Hicks, Surrey Archaeological Society
                                                                (change in programme)

1445      Afternoon tea

1515      Monastic Mills - Alan Crocker, Past President, Surrey Archaeological Society

1545      Influence of Winchester diocesan carpenters on Surrey's domestic buildings - Rod Wild : Coordinator Surrey Dendrochronology Project, DBRG

1615      Panel discussion and closing remarks

1630      Disperse

Attached below is the conference flyer which you can print and complete as indicated to book your place at the Conference at a cost of £8 per person