Surrey Local History Committee Spring Meeting

Saturday 6th March ‘Evacuation’ at Sayers Croft Ewhurst 2.00pm - 5.30pm

The Surrey Local History Committee has arranged a half day meeting at Sayers Croft Ewhurst on the subject of Evacuation during the Second World War. Sayers Croft is now a residential Field Centre owned by Westminster city council, but it was originally built as a result of the Camps Act of 1939 and was used to house evacuees during the war.

We will start with an introductory talk by Dr. Martin Parsons, director of the International Research Centre for Evacuee and War Child Studies at the University of Reading. This will be followed by a tour of the site accompanied by Ray Hewett a former evacuee. After tea we will have a talk by Janet Bateson, who has rserached evacuation in Lingfield.

The fee will be £5.00 payable on the day, but to help us keep track of numbers if you would like to come please contact Janet Balchin at Hullbrook Cottage, Cranleigh Road, Ewhurst Surrey, GU6 7RN, Tel 01483 277342, or e-mail