
Join one of the guided tours of the Surrey Archaeological Society excavations at Cocks Farm, Abinger, where the site of a Roman villa with a long period of occupation is currently undergoing fieldwork. Tours will include a look at what's going on in the trenches, as well as the finds which have come out.

Two tours will be on offer throughout the day:

11:00-12:00 and 14:00-15:00

Between 1995 and 1997 the Surrey Archaeological Society carried out excavations under the direction of Steve Dyer to investigate archaeological evidence revealed when a tree blew over at Cocks Farm, Abinger. The presence of a villa had been known since the 1870s when Roman walls were found during the expansion of a kitchen garden. When well-preserved remains of an east-west range of a Roman building were discovered, the fieldwork was targeted to provide information for the future management of the site and to indicate a suitable area for scheduling as an ancient monument. The current series of excavations started in 2009 by the Roman Studies Group were planned to build on the previous work, by examining the setting and function of the villa and aiming to achieve publication of all fieldwork relating to the site. 

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