
The Carausian revolt of AD 286–296 was a fascinating period in Roman history  during which Britain and northern Gaul were ruled by Carausius, a Roman naval commander, who declared himself emperor. Whilst the Gallic territories were regained by Caesar Constantius Chlorus in 293, Carausius was assassinated by his subordinate Allectus, who then ruled Britain until 296. The Frome hoard, found in 2010, contained approximately 850 coins of Carausius, and Sam Moorhead uses this evidence to reassess the impact of this decade of independent rule on the South-East and and on its relationship with the Continent.

Sam Moorhead is National Finds Advisor for Iron Age and Roman coins, Portable Antiquities and Treasure at the British Museum. He is author of many papers on the subject and a list can be found under his profile on

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