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By popular request, the autumn meeting of the Forum this year will be devoted to Surrey's medieval towns, beginning to carry forward the thinking in Martin O'Connell's 'Historic Towns in Surrey' in 1977 (SyAS Research Volume 5), Dennis Turner's contribution on towns in the 1984 'Archaeology of Surrey to 1540' and the contributions by Phil Andrews and John Schofield in the 2004 'Aspects' volume.


10.15am          Tea and coffee available

10.45am          Welcome & Introduction

10.50am          Rob Poulton:  ‘Archaeology and the early development of Surrey's towns'

11.30am          Patrick Molineux:  ‘What Domesday can tell us about the early towns'

12.00pm         David Williams:  ‘The urban excavations in Reigate‘

12.30pm         AGM 

12.45pm         Lunch  - bring your own sandwiches or lunch in the town - tea and coffee available

1.45pm          Helen Carrel:  `Civic image and urban topography in the late medieval town'

2.15pm          Mary Alexander:  `Medieval Guildford: the county town of Surrey'

2.45pm          Break

3.15pm          Graham Dawson:  ‘Mediaeval Southwark - a Grand Place to Live‘

3.45pm          Chris Constable:  ‘Aspects of 15th/16th century Southwark‘

4.15pm          Close 

The charge for this meeting of the Forum is £6 payable on the day: no tickets will be issued. If you have not already indicated you will be attending this meeting could you please now let Richard and Pamela Savage know (email: For directions, parking and other details see attachment.