

Because of the overwhelming response from members to the Chedworth Roman Villa visit on 8th October, a second visit has been arranged on 1 October 2016. The programme for both trips is the same, and there are a few spaces available for each date.

In 2010, a major excavation was started by the National Trust because “the villa was poorly understood, past site records had been lost and previously excavated portions had been reburied”. The dig will continue this summer. Roger Box, a local archaeologist and Chedworth volunteer, will walk us through the landscape to the remains of an unexcavated Roman Temple to better understand the site as a whole. Roger will also give us a guided tour of the Villa  and the excavations. The proposed programme is as follows:

10.45am            Meet in cafe at Chedworth Roman Villa
11am- 1pm-ish    Temple tour/walk
2.45/3.00pm        Villa tour
4.00pm             Tea/coffee in cafe

Cost:             £4.00 - £6.00 depending on numbers plus your National Trust card. (Non NT members will also pay a £10.00 admission fee.) 
Max no:            25 people  

Booking is essential so please email Irene Goring at if you would like to come so that  your name can be added to the list.