
The noted Guildford historian David Rose, will give an illustrated talk on Guildford's history, telling the story from the perspective of the steps fronting the church from Guildford’s High Street. David will talk about the many events and historical moments that these steps have witnessed, and in many cases, their role in that history. These include royal proclamations, public gatherings, military march-pasts, notable services at the church, as well as events in the street such as the infamous Guy Riots, carnival processions and parades, and cycle racing.

Holy Trinity Church in Guildford High Street has been the fortunate recipient of a significant Heritage Lottery Fund grant to undertake substantial repairs and restoration work on this important Grade I Listed Building. As part of the grant, we committed to a variety of community engagement activities in the forthcoming year, including organising a Heritage Lecture Series which is free of charge and open to the public.

For further information about this lecture series please contact Venetia Howes:

Non-member Price
Member Price
Student Price