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The Surrey Archaeological Society Annual Symposium programme is now complete. Dr Peter Guest (Cardiff University) will be a keynote speaker on Roman coins - their significance in archaeological interpretation. The programme is as follows below. Book online by clicking on the Book tab above.
A booking form is attached as a pdf if you prefer to book via the office.
10.00 Chair Nikki Cowlard (SyAS)
10.10 Catherine Ferguson (SyAS) Patterns of poverty and the treatment of the poor in post-Restoration Surrey
10.40 Tea
11.00 P Guest ( Cardiff University) Roman coinage in Britain - an overview for archaeologists
11.40 S Maslin (FLO) Finds from Surrey
12.10 E Corke (SyAS) Cocks Farm, Abinger 2016-18 – an excavation update
12.40 Lunch
14.00 Margary Award
14.10 S Nelson (SyAS) Review of the evidence for domestic Saxon pottery in the county
14.25 J Mansi (SyAS) Old Woking test pitting
14. 40 A Sassin (SyAS) HLF project - Sustainable Impact
15.00 R Poulton (SCAU) Hunting in the Surrey Hills: Excavations at North Park Farm
15.30 Tea
15.50 C Falys (TVAS) The Saxon Period Burials from Guildown Avenue
16.20 D Bird (SyAS) Guildown Reconsidered
16.50 Close