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Georgian Surrey– the age of enlightenment - ONLINE BOOKING NOW CLOSED

at Surrey History Centre 130, Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6ND

9.30 Registration

9.55 Chairman’s introductory remarks

10.00 Catherine Ferguson (University of Roehampton) : Introduction

10.20 Hilary Ely (Trustee of the Cranston Library) : Cranston Library

10.50 Coffee and tea

11.20 David Brookes (Bourne Hall Museum) : Epsom as a Spa Town

11.55 Cherrill Sands (Garden Historian for Painshill Park Trust) : Painshill Landscape Garden

12.30 Lunch

1.30 . Carole Garrard (Surrey History Centre)  : Surrey Maps of the 18th century

2.05  Nick Pollard (Sunbury and Shepperton Local History Society) : The Georgian Bridges at Walton-on-Thames

2.40 . Tea

3.10   Presentation of the Gravett Award

3.15   Mary Alexander and Catherine Ferguson : 18th century changes in two Guildford churches: Holy Trinity and St Nicholas

3.55 . Chairman’s closing remarks and close




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