

The advertised excavation  in June-July has been postponed due to the Covid 19 pandemic. We are hoping to reinstate the dig, government guidelines permitting, later in the summer. However we are not accepting any more volunteers as numbers are likely to be severely restricted.  Participants already registered will receive further e-mails with the latest information.

This summer work is planned in the field north of the Roman villa looking for further evidence of Iron Age and Roman rural activity. Volunteers are welcome, with Surrey Archaeological Society and its Roman Studies Group members having priority, but other volunteers, experienced or not, are welcome. If you have not dug on the site before you will be asked to commit to five days attendance over the month. The dates for 2020 are as follows:

Saturday 13th - Wednesday 17th June

Saturday 20th - Wednesday 24th June

Monday 29th June -Wednesday 1st July

Saturday 4th - Wednesday 8th July

Saturday 11th - Tuesday 14th July 

 This gives us 22 days in total with a long weekend off mid-excavation.  If you are interested in taking part please do let Nikki Cowlard (Volunteer Co-ordinator) know. Exact attendance dates will be sought nearer the time.   01372 745432 (answerphone)


Non-member Price
Member Price
Student Price