


The Society has arranged a free ZOOM video session with the Historic Environment Planning team to get to know the people and their roles and learn how we can better work together. Subjects discussed will include the planning process as it affects archaeology and historic buildings and SCC’s roles in this regard; the network of County Sites of Archaeological Importance and Areas of High Archaeological Potential; accessing the rich resources of the Historic Environment Record; the current Local Heritage Lists project covering six Surrey boroughs and districts; using grey literature reports; the value of Scheduled Monument condition reports and notifying the HER of other discoveries.

Participants will be muted to avoid background noise and we will use the chat facility for questions. Please book on on the tab above - the meeting is free but you need to book. You MUST go through the booking process, add a booking to the basket and check out - THIS IS ESSENTIAL.  You will NOT be taken to the Paypal payment process but will receive a confirmatory email. If you get no email, you have not booked and need to go throught the process again and must CHECKOUT.

A link to the ZOOM session will be emailed to everyone who has booked a few days before the meeting.

Non-member Price
Member Price
Student Price