
Our final speaker for the 2022-23 winter series is David Rudling who will be talking about Roman coins and their use in Britain. David is Academic Director of the Sussex School of Archaeology and former Director of the University College London Field Unit. He specialises in Roman archaeology and is particularly known for his excavations of several major Roman villa sites in the South-East of England. He states his main archaeological interests as Roman rural settlements and land-use, religion and ritual in Roman Britain, multi-period landscape archaeology, and ancient and medieval coins.David is a long-time member of SyAS and RSG.

This meeting will take place by Zoom and RSG members will receive the link a week in advance. If you are a member of Surrey Archaeological Society but not yet a member of RSG you can join for £5, giving you free access to the Winter Series of talks as well as visits and seminars. See RSG web page for details. 

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