The Story of the People’s Cathedral
Between 1952 and 1961 200,000 brick-givers made the construction of Guildford Cathedral possible. Can you help us bring these stories to life?

Guildford Cathedral has successfully secured initial supportfrom the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for repairs to the Cathedral fabric and development of its project: Securing Guildford Cathedral’s future: treasures, memories and stories revealed.

We are now looking for people to take part in an oral history project to capture the memories of the brick-givers and others involved in the Cathedral story.

There are two ways you can get involved in the project:

1) As a volunteer
You can help in a number of different ways: recording interviews, writing summaries, selecting and editing audio or helping us to promote the project at public events, on social media and through your networks.

You will receive training, learn different skills, meet new people and be part of an exciting project that will record and present the story of the ‘People’s Cathedral’ through new exhibitions and interpretation for visitors.


2) Tell us your story
Were you or someone you know a brick-giver who bought a brick to help build the Cathedral? Do you know anyone who was involved in the building of the Cathedral? Would you be willing to tell us your story?

We are looking for people willing to have their memories recorded by our volunteer interviewers. The recordings will help tell the story of the Cathedral to future visitors and be preserved in our archives.


For more information please contact:
Helen Ellis, HLF Project Manager at; 01483 547888 or Padmini Broomfield, Oral History Consultant at