Call for Volunteers
 Excavation at Cocks Farm Roman Villa, Abinger June 2015
A sixth season of excavation will take place close to Cocks Farm Roman villa, Abinger, during the month of June 2015 (provisional dates 1st-3rd, 6th-10th, 15th-17th, 20th-24th, 27th-30th). 2014's field trench will be re-opened, and expanded, to further investigate Iron Age and Roman features found during CFA12/14. Work in the fields around the Roman villa is adding enormously to the picture of pre-villa occupation and the transition to a Roman way of life.   Volunteers from the Society will be given priority, and non-SyAS members will be charged £25 a week (or part thereof) to cover costs. If you would like to register your interest please contact the volunteer co-ordinator Nikki Cowlard.