Displaying 201 - 250 of 788 events, page 5 of 16:

Date Title Groups
Winchester and the Norman Conquest Non-Society
Hitler's vengeance weapons Non-Society
Visit to SOAG excavation of Gatehampton Roman villa Roman Studies Group
Viking Magic, Hidden Gold Non-Society
Church History Study Tour Non-Society
Roman Studies Group AGM and talk by Dr Clare Rainsford, Osteoarchaeologist Roman Studies Group
To be a Pilgrim Non-Society
Community Test Pitting Weekend at Nonsuch Park HLF
Heritage Open Day at Abinger Research Centre HLF
Mad with Fright Non-Society
Monument condition assessment training course - Hatchlands HLF
Fun with Dinosaurs Workshop Non-Society
Cave Painting Non-Society
Anglo-Saxons Workshop Non-Society
Don't you know there's a war on? Non-Society
Who wants to be an archaeologist? Non-Society
Bletchingley test pitting - Mesolithic Hinterlands of Surrey HLF
Roman Ewell Non-Society
Finding Farnham Festival - Museum of Farnham HLF
SIHG AGM and Conservation Award Ceremony Surrey Industrial History Group
KUTAS 50th Anniversary Conference Non-Society
Operation Epsom Non-Society
Tour of Abinger Villa Dig HLF
Visit to the Silchester Bath House Excavations Roman Studies Group
Farnham Holt Pound community test pitting HLF
Brookwood Open Days Non-Society
The Epsom Riot of 1919 Non-Society
Excavation at Cocks Farm Abinger Roman Studies Group
Hoarding and Deposition in Europe Non-Society
Epsom Riot Walks Non-Society
D Day Non-Society
Objects and Death: On the trail of grave goods Non-Society
Bourne Hall test pitting and open day HLF
Visit to the Mithraeum and Billingsgate Roman House and Baths Roman Studies Group
Keeping the lights on at Hampton Court Non-Society
Land Snail Identification course Non-Society
April walks Non-Society
An Audience with Henry VIII Non-Society
Old Woking test pitting (and open day) Medieval Studies Forum
Bourne Hall Easter Events Non-Society
Providence Chapel, Charlwood Non-Society
Medieval Studies Forum Guildford study day Medieval Studies Forum
Georgian Surrey ONLINE BOOKING NOW CLOSED Surrey Local History Committee
Snuffler and geophysics processing course HLF
Romans Non-Society
Great Super Heroes Non-Society
Iron Men - C19th Engineer Henry Maudslay and his Circle Surrey Industrial History Group
Querns and millstones in the South-East and Surrey: Ruth Shaffrey Roman Studies Group
Annual Symposium BOOK ONLINE Research
WW2 - A Children's War Non-Society